Come on.
We got an audience.
I counted three rummies
and four widows on my way in.
Plus, Fat Ralphie's sleeping
one off in the last row.
It's the rain.
Bad weather always
brings in the crowds.
This is one of my favourites.
What is?
"Whatever you do
to the least of my brethren...
"you do to me."
Come on.
We never saw the vendor
as a man -
not the way we saw other
men of the neighbourhood.
And we didn't care
enough about him
to grant him any respect.
We gave little notice
to how ha he worked,
or that he had a wife
and two kids in Greece,
and hoped to bring them
to this country.
We didn't pay attention
to the long hours he worked.
We didn't see any of that.
We only saw a free lunch.
Thomas Markano,
the court hereby sentences you
to be remanded for a period
of no more than 18 months,
no less than one year,
at the Wilkinson Home for Boys.
John Reilly,
the court hereby sentences you
to be remanded for a period
of no more than 18 months,
no less than one year,
to the Wilkinson Home for Boys.
Lorenzo Carcaterra,
taking into consideration
that you arrived on the scene
after the theft
had already occurred -
in consideration of that,
the court hereby sentences you
to serve no more than one year,
no less than six months
at the Wilkinson Home for Boys.
Michael Sullivan...
The court hereby sentences you
to be remanded for a period
of no more than 18 months,
no less than one year,
at the Wilkinson Home for Boys.
And I might add,
had it not been for the
intervention of Father Carillo,