You know, your time here
hasn't taught you shit.
You're still the same
fucking bunch of clowns
you were the day
you walked in here.
Everybody go on back
and finish your lunches.
There's nothing more to see.
Go on! Go!
Sit down!
Get out of here!
Go on.
Go ahead.
That go for me, too?
No, it don't go for you.
You go back to your room.
You're through with your lunch.
Go on.
You and me...
we're gonna finish this
sometime real soon.
Maybe at dinner.
You Hell's Kitchen
boys get any lunch?
I got to smell it.
You got to smell it.
That's good.
Hey, hey, hey,
where you going?
You said to get lunch.
Oh, you boys don't need
to get back in line to get lunch
'cause there's plenty to eat
right where you're standing.
You can smell it.