At 8:25 pm, two men
walked through the doors.
The bartender knew their faces,
as most of the neighbourhood
knew their names.
They were two of the founding
members of the West Side Boys.
They were also its deadliest.
The blond man had been in and
out of jail since he was a kid.
He robbed and killed
at will or on command.
He's presently a suspect
in four unsolved homicides.
He was an alcoholic
and a cocaine abuser
with a fast temper
and a faster trigger.
He once shot a mechanic dead
for moving ahead of him
in a movie line.
The dark-haired man
was equally deadly
and had committed his first
murder at the age of 17.
In return, he was paid $ 50.
He drank and he did drugs,
and he had a wife he never saw
living somewhere in Queens.
Well, we've got
a lot of work to do.
It's gonna take
more than four years.
It'll take you
to the mid-term elections...
Hey, Jerry.
Who they talkin' about?
They're talkin'
about Reagan's speech.
Order those two men some drinks
and put it on my tab...
And tell them Republicans are
not welcome in Hell's Kitchen,
and either
a political conversion
or a change
of conversation is in order.
Sure thing.
The gentleman there
would like to buy you
a drink on one condition...
You know the rules.
No religion and no politics.
You get my meaning?