that he was not an open target.
After this night, Michael would
not be available to any of us.
The only time we would
see him would be in court.
That's it?
Not quite. We got four witnesses
who saw the shooting
are willing to testify.
Gotta get that number down.
I'll talk to King Benny.
Good. I can handle two,
but, uh,
you got to get us
one for our side.
One what?
One witness,
a witness who will
put John and Tommy
somewhere else on
the night of the murder.
A witness they can't touch.
Don't they got a name for that?
The judge will call it perjury.
I see. And what
are we calling it?
A favour.
Get up.
Come on.
Yeah, King?
Bring Danny Snyder to see me.
Danny Snyder the lawyer?
You know more
than one Danny Snyder?
No, King.
Bring me the one you know.
I can't do this now.
You got to know that.
It's been a long time
for me. I mean, uh...
You need somebody younger,
you know, somebody
like I used to be.
Younger is not better.
Doesn't have experience,
doesn't know its way
around the courthouse.
Yeah, I'm lucky
I can find the courthouse.
I had only four cases last year.
You know how many I won?
None. That's how many. None.
In two of them, I-I,
uh, I think the, uh,
the jury blamed me personally.
They must have been innocent.
It's tough to get
innocent men off a rap.
I wasn't even planning
on going to court with this one.
I was just going
to plead it down best I could
and walk away.
I wasn't planning
on taking this to trial, sir.