I was just thinking things.
But you're doing good, right?
Oh, yeah, I'm good.
What the hell
do these things do?
They're for prayin'.
Just look at all this shit.
Your mother think
you're in the fucking army?
None of it on the approved list.
Your mommy got
a copy of that list?
My mother can't
speak English that well.
Don't blame us for your fucking
mother being stupid, all right?
When are you going
to let us hearyou pray?
Maybe he needs
something to pray for.
Put your hands on the table
and lay them down flat.
Spread your legs.
Start thinkin' up
some prayers.
We don't hear no praying.
You better start, or Styler
may lose his baton up your ass.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Pray nice and loud.
Fucking pray, come on now!