Pray like you're
in fucking church!
Sorry I'm late.
I lost all track of time.
Look, I got this idea for
a witness, but I'm not sure yet.
But I wanted you to come along
so you wanna just...?
Where are we going?
His place.
Where is it?
It's in the rectory.
No, Shakes.
Trust me.
Trust me.
How was court today?
Like the first round of a fight,
everybody just feeling
each other out.
How'd the boys look?
Like they wished
they was someplace else.
It's the sheep that stray
that you most want back.
It's not too late, Father.
We still have a chance to bring
in a couple of stray sheep.
One more chance.
Is that chance legal?
Last chances never are.
King Benny behind this?
He's in on it,
but he's not calling the shots.
Who is?
I should have smelled it.
The minute he went for the case,
I should have figured
something was up.
It's a good plan.
Michael's got it all covered.
Just about every base you
look at, he's got it covered.
Not every base.
You're short something
or else you wouldn't be here.
You don't shit a shitter, right?
That's right.
So what is it?
Where do you come up short?
We need somebody to say they
were with John and Tommy
on the night of the murder.