whichever way you go.
OK, so you were sitting down.
You were having dinner,
and two men
entered McHale's, correct?
- Yes.
- Did you see the two men
as they approached the table
where Mr Nokes was sitting?
I-I noticed it, yes.
Did you hear what was said
between them?
Um, no.
Did you see them
pull out their guns?
Did you hear the shots?
Yes, I heard the shots.
And what was their behaviour
after the shooting?
They walked out of McHale's
as if nothing had happened.
And at that time, Mrs Salinas,
did you see
their faces clearly?
I looked up as they walked away.
Are you positive?
Yes. Very positive.
And are the two men you saw
in McHale's in this room today?
Yes, they are.
Could you point them out
for the jury, please?
They're sitting
right over there.
Your Honour, will the record
show that Mrs Salinas identified
John Reilly and Thomas Marcano
as the two men in question.
Thank you. No further questions.
are you ready to proceed?
Yes, Your Honour, we are.
Good morning.
I just have a few questions.
I won't take too much
of your time, Mrs Salinas.
Uh, you say
that you only had wine
to drink with dinner.
Is that correct?
Are you sure about that?
Are you sure that was all you
had, one, uh, bottle of wine?
Yes, a bottle of red Chianti.
Uh-huh. Had you anything
to drink, uh, prior to that?
What do you mean, prior?
At, uh, uh, lunch.
Maybe, did you have
anything to drink at lunch?
Yes, I did.
And, uh, what did you have
to drink?
I went shopping, and I, um -
I stopped at a place
on Madison Avenue for some...
I didn't ask where you went.
I asked what you had
to drink at lunch.
A Martini.