And what else?
Um, probably some wine.
And how...uh...how many glasses
of wine did you have to drink?
One glass, maybe two.
Closer to two?
Yes, probably two glasses.
About two.
And did you, uh...
It's like pulling teeth.
I should've pinned
the questions to his shirt.
And, uh, tell me, uh,
then at dinner, do you, uh, uh -
Strike that.
Uh, uh...
What time, Mrs Salinas,
did you have lunch?
Objection, Your Honour.
What Mrs Salinas did
on the day of the murder
has nothing to do with what she
saw on the night of the murder.
How much she had
to drink does, Your Honour.
Ahem. Mrs Salinas, what time,
uh, did you have lunch?
About 1:30.
And what did you have for lunch?
It's a while ago.
Um, probably a salad.
I-I like to eat
a little light in the day.
A Martini, two glasses of wine,
and a salad. Is that correct?
Yes. That's right.
And you had wine at dinner about
6 hours later. Is that right?
Yes, that's right.
How much wine
did you have to drink
by the time my clients
allegedly walked into McHale's?
Two glasses.
Would you say that four glasses
of wine and a Martini
within a 6-hour period
is a lot for you to drink?
Yes, it is. Yes.
Uh-huh. Sure.
And, uh, have you ever
heard a gun fired
prior to the night in question?
Uh, how would you
describe the sound?
It's loud, like fireworks loud.
Did the sound, uh,
frighten you?
Very much.
Did you close your -
uh, your eyes?