Sean Nokes had no enemies.
Thank you, Mr Ferguson.
I have no further questions.
What is that, a prison?
No, it's a juvenile facility
for young boys.
And your function was what,
at this juvenile facility?
Standard stuff.
Keep the boys in line,
make sure they got
to their classes on time,
keep an eye out for trouble,
put them down for the night -
nothing exciting.
As guards, were you and Mr Nokes
allowed to use force
to, as you put it,
keep the boys in line?
What? What do you mean "force"?
Were you allowed to hit them?
No. Of course not.
Were any of the boys hit
by any of the guards
at any time
at the Wilkinson Home?
Yeah, I'm sure that something
like that may have happened.
It was a...it was a big place.
But it wasn't
the common practice.
Sure. Let's narrow
the place down, then.
Did you or Mr Nokes ever hit
any of the boys under your care
at the Wilkinson Home for Boys?
Would you like me to repeat
the question, Mr Ferguson?
Then answer it, please.
And remember, you're under oath.
A few boys who we considered
to be discipline problems
uh, were hit on occasion.
And, uh, how were they hit?
I don't know what you mean.
A fist? Open hand?
A kick?
Baton, maybe?
It depended on what
the situation called for.
Who determined that situation?
The guard on the scene.
That's a lot of power
to have over a boy, isn't it?
It came with the job, sir.
Did torture come with the job?
Boys were tortured,
weren't they, Mr Ferguson?
Define torture.
Well, let's define torture.
Uh, cigarette burning...