and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
I do.
Do you recall,
uh, where you were
on the night ofNovember 1st
of this past year?
Yes, I do.
Where was that?
I was at the basketball game
at the Garden,
the Knicks versus the Celtics.
And, uh, when did
the Knick game begin?
About 7:30.
What time did it end?
Between 9:30 and 10:00.
Do you remember
who won that game?
Sad to say, it was the Celtics.
Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish
were a little too much
for our boys that night,
even if it was All Saints Day.
Well, next time give me a call.
I'll try my guy.
I'll try that.
Father Carillo,
were you at the game alone?
No, I went there
with two friends.
And who were those
two friends, Father?
John Reilly and Thomas Marcano.
The two defendants?
Yes, the same two defendants.
Father Carillo, at 8:25 pm,
the time the police say
victim Sean Nokes was murdered,
were you still with Mr Reilly
and Mr Marcano
at the basketball game?
Yes, I was.
And at what time did you,
Mr Reilly,
and Mr Marcano part company?
It was around 10:30...
A little later.
They dropped me off
in front of the rectory,
near where
they had picked me up.
Did the defendants tell you
where they were going?
No, they didn't,
but I imagine after a night
spent with a priest,
they went looking for the first
open bar they could find.
So then, Father,
if the two defendants
were with you at 8:25
at the night of the murder,
they couldn't have shot
and killed Sean Nokes
as the prosecution contends,
isn't that correct?
Not unless they shot him from
the blue seats at the Garden.
No, he was not shot from there.
Then he was not shot
by those boys.