He's retarded. Frank's always after
a father figure.
Lord knows Doyle ain't a good one
with his mean ass.
- What about me?
- He doesn't see you as a "guy" guy.
Karl's a "guy" guy?
I call this my secret place.
I come out here when I feel like
being alone.
I used to come here with Karen Cross.
She kind of used to be my girlfriend.
We would come out here
and hold hands and talk...
and read books to each other
with a flashlight.
She wouldn't have nothing to do with me
in front of other people...
because Mama and I
don't have any money.
Her daddy's a dentist,
so they're rich.
Was your folks well off?
No, we barely had enough
to scrape by on, I reckon.
Your folks still around?
My mother's dead.
My daddy's still around but he don't
want to have nothing to do with me.
- How do you know?
- He never did want to.
I figure he probably
ain't changed his mind much.
How'd your mama die?
You don't need to hear
things like that.
You just a boy.
You need to think good thoughts
while you still a boy.
There's lots of time for all the other.
I had bad thoughts since Daddy died.
Sometimes I wish I was still little
and he was still here.
Mama's real good, but I wish
I had both of them.
We went to Memphis in the car once.
It was raining so hard
we couldn't see the road...
but I wasn't scared because
as long as Daddy was driving...
nothing could happen to us.
That's the way I feel about Mama now.
Mama has a boyfriend now.