The Ducks.
What kind of Mickey Mouse
organization would name a team that?
So sue me. lt's just a suggestion.
You're doing it!
You're becoming mighty!
No pain, no gain.
Look who's finally ready to play!
Let's see if l remember how.
ls it really you?
Thank God you're all right!
l was so worried!
Come on, Stan. Don't hug me, please.
-Why are you here?
-l must take you back for practice.
l can't. l'm helping my friends
in their basketball game.
Your friends are cartoon characters.
Yeah. So?
lt doesn't bother me.
Let me help? Let me help! l can help!
What can you do?
l may not be tall, but...
...l'm slow.
And large.
And a dork!
l'll do anything! Anything!