The Monstars!
The Monstars...
...stole the talent from the NBA players.
So that's what happened to them.
l think we should qui-- qui-- forfeit.
Listen, l didn't get dragged down
here to lose to ugly Monstars.
l ain't going out like that.
We're letting them push us!
We must fight back!
We must get right in their faces!
Are you with me or not?
Finished? Great speech and all.
You had them riveted.
But didn't you forget something?
Your secret stuff!
Nice deltoids!
Play along.
Stop hogging it.
We're teammates!
Secret stuff?
Secret stuff? You wouldn't
hold out on us, would you?
l didn't think you needed it.
You're so tough. You're competitive.
We're also chicken. We need it bad.
-l'd like some of that.
-Could l have a sip, please?
This goes against everything
l learned in health class.
Do you want to win?
Bottoms up.
How about we go out
and kick some alien butt?
How about it? Ready?