Space Truckers

And a weapon there
Sergeant, split your squad
Set your weapons for close range
Laser sight interlock engaged
You ready to seal the room?
System's armed, sir
ready on your order

Prepare to seal the room
on my count

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Attention, all personnel
The room is sealed
I repeat: The room is sealed
Control two to the commander
I'm sure an intrusion is beyond
parameter three

Moving to check it out
Sector parameter three, scanning
Sector... I see it
Open the fire now
Nabel, this thing's been spotted
in target already

Frankly, I was expecting more
The company's expecting much more
Mr. Saggs, you'll just be patient
Must have missed
Holly molly, I'm taking shots here
Let me out...
AAV13, do you copy?
We've just lost contact
with command post three

Outside the second parameter
This is commander
We've lost contact with post three
Can you drop them some
temporary communications gear?

Screw that command
You didn't lose contact
you lost them. Over

Put rockets in that area,
hear me? Over

Check your goddamn screens
Where is he? Nabel
He's on his way
Move your armored personnel...
East sector to the west
keep them moving

Lost two sensors
