We'll do it
What's the cargo?
The manifest states...
Polymer sexual substitutes
Sex dolls?
They're providing 5 times
of the going rate
Providing all the people forged
of course
I said... done
I hesitate to caution
a man of your experience
But the consigners of this cargo
were most emphatic
That the delivery schedule
being adhered to
Don't temper with those containers
Is this gonna take long?
The troopers are all
over the place
No, I'm almost done
You see her coming?
No, you think the law grabbed her?
No, she'll make it
I like her
She's friendly
Yeah, she's got a kindly nature
You mind if I ask you
what the deal's with Cindy?
I don't get you
I think she likes me
I like to pursue her further
I'd like to know
if you're involved
If I get your drift
and I do get your drift
I must tell you that, Mike
A gentleman doesn't answer
a question like that
That's a no?
Sorry, I'm late
I had to give them
30 seconds notice
Here help me out
It's all right
Geez, my underwear
I haven't seen this before
It's a friend of yours?
Actually it's my mother Carol
It's taken before I was born