What the hell
We'll probably kill you anyway
Alright, get them out of here
Come on. Move it. Get out
Get your hands off me
Move them out...
Come on
We don't work for the company
Move it
Come on
Ok, stay with me
Look at that
Salvage specialist
Shut up. What do you hold?
We don't know
I'm telling you we don't know
never cared
It's a mistake to give up caring
That's too much
Macanudo wouldn't like it
You leave the captain to me
My pleasure
Cutt, man
The manifest says what
they're carrying is sex dolls
Sex dolls?
What do you think
they are really carrying?
Gotta be something hot.
Drugs maybe
You like drugs or guns best, Lou?
Drugs man
I like guns better
Hook them up
This way
Where's Captain's equipment?
Over here