Space Truckers

We're trying to make a living
We don't ask a lot of questions
What we do know...
Is whatever's in those cars
is not something to mess with

Do I look like someone
to mess with?

No, sir
Like I have the IQ of
an egg timer?

I see high security double-duty
containers in your hauling

I'd say the pair of you
are company butt boys

If you want to hack off my dick
do it

And I'll change my name to Terry
or Lee or something neutral

That ain't gonna change
what I know

Your dick?
Is this your dick?
That one's mine
Ok, I'm gonna put some
Fermat theorem in my head

That takes between 8 and
17 seconds

And then we'll begin again
Captain's a genius
I was head of company's
research and development

Top man
Slotted for the big dogs
I was betrayed
by that bastard E. J. Saggs

Found out before he killed me
Made a mistake of having it done
in the laboratory

I was able to save myself
We create my body
You are a very attractive woman
In the normal course
of human affairs

You probably
wouldn't look twice at me

where are we going with this?

I'm going at the beauty
like other men

The beauty... beauty fills my
life's holes so to speak

Were you not chained to a major
support beam of my ship
