Barbara Dahl.
If you ain't the spitting image
of your mama.
Don't you talk about my mother,
you hybrid curiosity.
My mother was twice the man you are.
Hey, lady,
I think you're carrying...
this "spitting image" thing
a little bit too far.
Now that I got Barbara Dahl,
it's just a matter of time
before Dick Steele comes to get her.
Have you confirmed
this transmission?
I have. It's confirmed.
It's Barbara Dahl.
Who authorized Agent Barbara Dahl
to go on this operation anyway?
No one.
She's working on her own.
This one is personal, Coleman.
Well, this personal mission may have
cost a good agent her life...
and put the entire free world
in jeopardy.
- We must inform the director.
This is the director.
What is it, Coleman and Bishop?
Sir, we've intercepted a very disturbing
satellite transmission...
from our listening post
on the Rock of Gibraltar.
- Well, what is it?
- It's this really big rock...
sticking out of the water
on the south coast of Spain.
What is the transmission?
You will have to see it
to believe it, sir.
- You've got to put it on channel three.
- No, four.
- Switch it to VHS.
- And take it off of cable.
Put it on the monitor.
And now this
special message from Rancor Industries.
She makes a pretty hood ornament,
don't you think?
- Rancor!
- Y es, it is I, good ol' General Rancor.
I'm back, big as life
and twice as ugly.