We've been chased,
bussed, seated, but...
I still don't really know you.
I'm Bud Fudlacker.
I have a small mail- order business.
I travel with
the American Gladiators,
I'm 55, I like small appliances...
and I do tax accounting
on the side.
Let me guess.
You are Dick Steele,
Agent WD-40
with the Secret Service.
You are 52,
you like big screen TVs...
and you want to stop
General Rancor.
That could describe
a thousand guys.
Tell me about you.
I like loose-fitting clothes,
and I drive a '69 Pinto.
[ Chuckles ] Hi, I'm Brian.
May I take your drink orders, please?
- I'll have-
- A dry Minoli and Russo on the rocks.
Stirred, not beaten.
With a twist.
In a chilled glass, not frozen.
With two of those
curly little straws.
Be right back.
Tell me, who are you?
Why don't you use your...
legendary skills, and guess?
You carry a UB-21 Schnauzer
with a Gnab silencer. That's K. G. B.
You prefer an H&K over an A. K.
Your surveillance technique is N. S. A.
Your I. D. is C. I. A.
You received your Ph. D. at NYU.
Traded in your G. T. O. for a B. M. W.
You listen to CDs by R. E. M. and S. T. P.
And you'd like to see J. F. K. in his
B. V. D. s, getting down with O. P. P.
And you probably put the toilet paper back
on the roll with the paper on the inside.
Here's to your remarkable
powers of observation, Mr. Steele.
I am Agent 3.14,
Veronique Ukrinsky.
My father is the professor.
Oh, yes, I know.
The megachip.
When he found out he was making the chip
for Rancor, and not for the U. S.,
he escaped with it,
and he is in hiding.
In hiding?
He would not take the chance
in telling me where he was headed,
but he said,
"The pendant-