I'm on the waiting list
for a co-op.
You better get outta here.
I'll see you back in half an hour.
Oh, half hour?
I can drop off my dog at the groomer.
- Wha-
- Mr. Steele, I presume?
- Professor-
- Ukrinsky. With a "Y.'"
Ah. Right.
The pendant.
And I suppose...
this is what you need.
- And this is?
- This is the controller
chip for Rancor's satellite.
Ah, Rancor finally
made his megachip.
Who'd have thought the fate
of so many human lives...
would rely on something so small?
Well, there's only one thing
to do with this.
No! No! What are you doing?
- Trying to make the
world safe from tyranny.
- You mustn't do that!
This can also be used
for world peace!
Oh, I'm sorry.
You'd better let me get that into
the proper hands and get you to safety.
- You found me through
my daughter, the pendant.
- Right.
- Veronique is safe?
- Yeah, the van they took her in
has dual air bags and seat belts.
- Kabul.
- Nice new wheels, huh?