- One more round, Lily.
- Z, you've had enough.
- I'm not flying with a drunken pilot.
- I can't fly sober.
What is that?
- That is the constellation Leo.
- No, that!
- It's the ECON.
- After all these years?
We've got to get to the Phoenix.
To hell with the Phoenix.
Shields are down.
Main power is holding.
We are in the mid 21st century.
I would estimate we have arrived
ten years after the Third World War.
That makes sense. Most of the
major cities have been destroyed.
- 600 million dead. No resistance.
- Captain.
Mr Worf, quantum torpedoes.
They were firing at the surface.
Western hemisphere.
North American Continent.
- A missile complex in Montana.
- A missile complex?