That song is killing me!
Those babies gonna wind up in traction,
you don't play some ballads.
God, it's freezing!
They could store meat in here.
In fact, they do store meat in here.
No, I've been trying all day!
Are you positive?
No, thank you.
-Can't reach her?
-Darrell's phone's out of order.
I just know he's moved with her
again to some new dump.
God, what a nightmare!
He drives around with her in that van.
Drinking, taking pills...
He doesn't even think about
putting a seat belt on her.
He's a dirtbag!
You hang in there, honey.
You'll get Angela back.
That judge will see the light.
It's expensive light,
I'll tell you that.
It's gonna cost me $15,000
for this appeal.
Is there even a chance
I can make that in six weeks?
You'll have to dance day and night
and hope some Arab sheik shows up.
I love you, girls, I do. But I can't
work here when I go back to court.
"Your honor, I found a new job.
I'm working at the Eager Beaver."
It's honest work.
You have nothing to be ashamed of.
I know that and you know that.
But the judge won't.
Not him.
God, I still get nauseous
before I have to go out there.
You'll get over it.
Really? I can't imagine that.
You guys having a good time?
Here's the lucky guy!
You've come to the right place.
Look at these hunks!
We're having a party!
Keep an eye on them bachelors.
They look like real trouble.