Oh, Mr. Orly!
What a wonderful surprise.
Nice to be in quality club, eh?
Yeah, if you like freak shows.
Ling! Ling!
Get over here!
Move it!
Excuse me. I'm sorry.
But that's Mr. Chris Rojo..
..of the sugar Rojos.
Typical of the kind
of rich big shots we get here.
Is this the place
where I met my angel?
I don't know which angel
you're referring to.
A congressman?
You mean a U.S. congressman?
Well, he wasn't specific who it was.
I told him it was bananas..
..and maybe it was better
that he stayed out of it.
On Wednesday, there was an incident,
a guy with a bottle-
Oh, he was a total whack job.
Drunk out of his mind.