Sunset Boulevard

I knew there was
something wrong with them.

They're dead, they're finished.
There was a time
when they had the eyes of the world.

But that wasn't good enough.
They had to have the ears, too.

So they opened their big mouths
and out came talk, talk, talk!

That's where the popcorn business
comes in. Buy it to plug your ears.

Look at them in the front offices,
the masterminds!

They smashed the idols!
The Fairbankses,
the Gilberts, the Valentinos!

Who've we got now? Some nobody.
Don't blame me. I'm just a writer.
You are? Writing words,
words, more words.

You've made a rope of words
and strangled this business.

But there's a microphone
to catch the last gurgles,

and Technicolor to photograph
the swollen tongue.

- Sh! You'll wake up the monkey.
- Get out! Max.

Next time
I'll bring my autograph album.

Or maybe some cement
and ask for your footprint.

It's OK, OK. I'm going.
Just a minute, you.
You're a writer, you said.

- Why?
- Are you or not?

- That's what's on my Guild card.
- And you have written pictures?

I sure have. Want a list of my credits?
I want to ask you something.
Come in here.

Last one was about
Okies in the Dust Bowl.

You'd never know
because on screen

the whole thing
played on a torpedo boat.

Intimate, isn't it?
The wind gets in that pipe organ.
I ought to take it out.

I'd teach it a better tune.
Young man, tell me something.
How long is a movie script
these days? How many pages?

Depends whether
it's "Donald Duck" or "Joan of Arc".
