
Yuriko reaIIy stashed it away!
Give it me!
What for?
I'II settIe with you Iater.
What do you mean?
I toId you, didn't I?
We'Il spIit it Iater.
WeII it's no use to her now is it?
But I was the one who found it!
Look after yourseIf
Take care.
Don't you forget us.
Good Iuck!
How come I haven't seen you?
Drop by.
Hurry up, lazy!
She was trying to deaI heroin.
Amateur. Didn't know what
she was getting invoIved in.

SeIIing stuff to anyone. No wonder
Shanghai Riuman was watching her.

Serves her right if you ask me.
Of course I wanted to Iook after her.
But things're hard enough aIready.
WouId you heIp me out?
WouId you pIease?
I'm begging you.
You're not the onIy one having
a hard time.

If she's too much of a nuisance,
you can do what you Iike with her.
Yeah, Yeah.
What's your name?
Y-o-u-r n-a-m-e?
I asked you a question!
I don't have one.
BuII shit!
