and I Iost track of my sister.
So... it's been years.
When we first got here we had to
think up Japanese names
caIIed ourseIves the ''YAOHANS''.
Rankai, my IittIe brother
he was ''HITACHI''.
OnIy Japanese words we knew,
my IittIe sister Shaod'ei
I named GIico.
I named GIico.
Shaod'ei was such a
IittIe baII of energy.
You know that Japanese candy?
Japanese businessmen grow up
sucking on GIico.
That's Opium Street.
Opium Street?
Have you ever been there?
You're kidding.
Pushers, mafia, deaIers
everywhere..... no way.
Even the cops won't go there.
He's so cooI! Rio Ranki.
Amphetamines was it?
I don't understand.
No Iarceny, no assauIt, no drug
offenses, Iooks cIean to me.
That's about 80,000 one-way now.