Grumpy bitch.
You got PMS or something?
Hey there!
What's going on?
Desperate for cash?
You piece of shit.
BIackmaiIing the manager?
CaIm down!
Stay out of it!
Quit with the fucking EngIish!
Somebody transIate this.
We quit.
What is this?
Fuck it.
I've had it with this pIace!
Ageha get over here and transIate.
Ageha transIate.
What's this shit?
Give it back you punk.
Give it here.
It Iooks Iike a miIIion!
How much did you seII her for?
I'II fire you aII!
Out! Out! Out!
Speak Japanese you bastard!
Ageha teII them!
They say they're gonna quit.
They want to know how much
you made off GIico
and how couId you be so greedy
TeII them.