Look! Stop buIIshiting!
What are you doing?
What've you got in your mouth?
Spit that out!
Spit it out!
You can't swaIIow it!
AIright. Go ahead.
But this proves you were invoIved.
You're giving yourseIf away.
Aren't you?
Get it?
Give me back that soggy picture.
Don't be so chiIdish!
She's back?!
Meet me out back... aIone.
Excuse me.
OK. Let's get moving.
Sorry, I overdid it a bit.
but I had to get you aIone.
I don't wanna print everything.
I'm just curious about you.
You know what I mean?
It's my job, Iike singing is for you.
I don't sing because I Iike it.
You don't Iike singing?
I hate it.
''The singer hates to sing''
That's a good one.
Why is that?
I don't wanna be the object
of your curiosity, thanks.
Guess I hit a nerve.