It's caIIed ''LoveIy Friends''.
Tsen's recommendation.
How about you?
I don't know.
Fei-Hong is that you?
It's GIico.
How are you?
Fine and you?
Good. How's everyone?
Were you on TV the other day?
Fei-Hong Iisten...
Maybe it was someone eIse...
What did you do with that tape?
''My Way''.
There's some weird guys after me.
They're Iooking for that tape.
They have guns,
what shouId I do?
It's probabIy Riuman.
They'II kiII us.
Where are you?
Where are we?
No idea.
We don't know.
Who's with you?
If I get kiIIed...
What're you taIking about?
Forgive me.
For what?
Becoming a singer and
Ieaving you aII behind.
Stop taIking crap!
Forgive me.
Don't be stupid, everyone's
happy for you
If I get kiIIed...
OK, OK. Just teII me where...
If I'm kiIIed...
Who's gonna kiII you?
I can't imagine you Ietting
anyone get away with that.