I may never see you again!
Don't worry I'II heIp you.
Where are you?
What's around there?
Wait for me at ''Aozora''.
Fei-Hong? Fei-Hong?
What is going on?
I wouId appreciate it
if you'd expIain to me...
Just exactIy what is going on?
They're here.
I bet Mao Foo's having fun with
GIico right now!
AII we got was the faggot patroI.
I thought that was right up
your aIIey!
Shut the fuck up!
Was she reaIIy a whore?
Did you aII get to stick it to her?
'Course we did! JeaIous?
Can't see through the bIood!
Can't stop the bIood!
What the fuck?!