
Hello, you have four messages.
Message one.
Hey, gorgeous,
it's, uh, Trent calling.

Look, you gotta get that girl
out of your head. Uh, I hope my...

Message two.
Hey, Mike, uh, if you want
to talk about Michelle, give me...

Message three.
Did she call yet? I'm sure she...
- Message four.

Michael, this is Grandma.
We all miss you
back here in New York.

You still haven't told me if you got
that part on the television pro...

That was your last message.
You have to put things in perspective.
- I know, I know.
- She doesn't deserve you.

Thanks. I appreciate that.
There are plenty of fish
in the sea.

Okay, that's great advice.
Thanks a lot. Okay? Bye.

- Life, after all...
- Please, I'm trying to make a phone call.

- Are you calling her?
- No. Will you stop? I'm try... Please.

- Hello?
- What's up, Trent?

Hey, we got two parties
tonight. One's for a modeling agency.

- I don't know.
- Listen to me, baby. There's gonna be beautiful babies there.

I... Look, Trent, uh,
I got shit to do tomorrow.

Listen to you. I've got a final callback on
a pilot at 9:00, and I'm going to this thing.

Come on, Mike, you got to get out
with the beautiful babies.

- You can't sit at home thinking about it.
- Not tonight.

Not tonight? Listen to you!
We're gonna have fun tonight.

- We gotta get you out
of that stuffy apartment.

We're gonna spend half the night driving
around the hills looking for this one party,

and you're gonna say it sucks,
and we're all gonna leave,

and then we're gonna go look
for this other party.

But all the parties
and all the bars, they all suck.
