All right already, okay? I'll put my
suit on. Grab the wheel. Hold it steady.
- I'm tellin' you, this is how you do it.
- I know!
- They're watching you when you drive up. That's how it works.
- Fine, fine.
It could work.
I'm serious.
They're gonna give Daddy
the Rain Man suite. You dig that?
- We're going to Vegas, Mike. Vegas!
- Vegas!
You think we can
get there by midnight?
- We're gonna be up five "hundy" by midnight!
- Yeah!
- Vegas! Vegas!
- Vegas, baby. Vegas!
Vegas, baby. Vegas.
'Cause I'm not the happy guy
I used to be
She thinks I
Still care
But if she's happy thinking
I still need her
Vegas, baby. Vegas.
It's the root of all evil
Of strife and upheaval
But I'm certain, honey