That life would be sunny
With plenty of money
And you
I always thought, uh,
Caesar's was more the dope spot.
Back in their day, this place was a real
contender, but now they'll appreciate the business.
They'll probably fall all over themselves for
a couple of high-class guys like me and you.
- Now, we're not...
- You want to be fresh on the scene, right?
The new places down on the strip,
now, those places are supposed to be it.
Oh, Mike, you don't want all that
fuckin' Pirate of the Caribbean horseshit.
Or the rock and roll
grunge tip.
You know, guys like me and
you gotta kick it here. Old school.
Yeah, this is...
This is truly old school.
- Definitely old school.
- This place is fuckin' dead.
You know, I'm gonna find me two waitresses
here and I'm gonna pull me a Fredo.
- Yeah, well, they're all skanks.
- What are you talkin' about?
Look at all the
beautiful babies here.
The beautiful babies don't work
midnights to 6:00 on a... on a Wednesday.
- This is the skank shift.
- Look at all the beautiful honeys here.
- Excuse me.
- Excuse me, darling. I want you to remember this face here.
This is the guy behind the guy
behind the guy.
Will you cut that shit out?
- What? She smiled.
- That's not cool, man.
- Did she or did she not smile?
- It doesn't matter.
- Mike, I'm telling you, girls love that stuff.
- You're gonna screw up our plan.
- Baby, we're gonna get laid.
- Could we first see what happens when we play it cool?
What do you think, Mike? Do you think she's
gonna leave us and go tell her pit boss on us?
Will you stop makin' fun,
all right?
The trick is we gotta look like we don't need
the shit, then they give us shit for free.