- Wow.
- Yup.
Uh, how rude of me. I never...
I never gave you the... the tour.
Come on home, girl
He said with a smile
You don't have to love me
and let's get high a while
But try to understand
Try to understand
- Ohh
- I'm gonna check on my boy.
Ohh, try
Try to understand
Try, try
Try to understand
He's a magic man
I'm sure she'll call.
I mean, six years
is a long time.
- You don't just break it off cleanly after six years.
- But she did.
- And she's with somebody else now.
- Already?
- Yeah.
- Oh, you poor thing.
- You know what? It won't last.
- Why not?
- It's a rebound.
- We were a rebound and we lasted for six years.
Well, yeah, but how long was the
relationship she was rebounding from?
Six years.