
You start talkin' to 'em
about puppy dogs and ice cream,

of course it's going to end up
on the friendship tip.

I just don't think
she liked me in that way.

Baby, you are so money,
and you don't even know it.

Look, T, the girls don't go for me
the way they go for you, okay?

- Michelle went for you, right?
- That's different.

- Why? How is that different?
- We were younger. It was college.

You didn't go to college. You don't know
how it is. The girls are young, they drink.

- They don't know any better.
- Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Listen to me. Your self-esteem is low
right now because she's with somebody else.

But talkin' about it and thinkin' about
it all the time, it's depressing.

It's no good, man.
I just need
a little more time.

Why, so you can sit around your stuffy
apartment beating yourself up over it?

- Remember the first week after she told you?
- Don't remind me.

Huh? Couldn't even
leave your place.

You know, you just sat around
your stuffy apartment,

sitting there, drinking orange juice,
feeling sorry for yourself.

Now look at you, man. Right?
I mean, you got a part in a movie.

- A day.
- Whatever, Mike. It's work. You understand?

You're doing what you love to do.
What the hell is she doing now?

Selling scrap metal.
Okay. And this guy she's seeing,
what the hell does he do?

- He drives a carriage.
- What?

I heard he drives a carriage
around Central Park or something.

Oh, Mike, please! You're
the fun-lovin', outgoing party guy,

and you're sweatin'
some lawn jockey.

Jesus Christ!
I'm tellin' you, man.

You're better off without this girl.
You gotta trust me on this, Mike.

- All right, buddy?
- Stop talking. Shut up.
