
Okay, I'm gonna try. I promise you I
will shut up if you shut the hell up.

- We're gonna make this work.
- You're damn right you're gonna try.

Let's get home.
- I'm a man of means by no means
- Los Angeles.

King of the road
I know every engineer
of every train

All their children
and all of their names

And every handout
in every town

Every lock that ain't locked
when no one's around

I seen trailers
for sale or rent

- I don't think I'm gonna take it.
- Look, it's a gig.

This is definitely
a step back for me.

There's not much of a call
for Shakespeare in this town.

There's just something
about being Goofy, all right?

Any other Disney character would
be fine. Mickey? Mickey's an icon.

- Why does it have to be Goofy?
- What do you want? You're tall.

How am I gonna
tell my parents?

I still haven't told them
I didn't get the series.

You tested over a month ago.
I'm sure they figured it out.

It's like, "Mom, hi.
I didn't get that pilot.

By the way, I'm Goofy.
Send more money."

Hey, Rob.
You notice I didn't
mention her once today.

- I didn't want to say anything.
- Oh, yeah? Why?

Ah, it's kind of like not talking to
your pitcher in the middle of a no-hitter.
