Thank you.
Thank you, Captain.
- Hey, thanks.
- You want another?
- Whatever Syd's having.
- Hi.
Syd, you remember Jimmy.
He's a friend who lives up here.
- Thanks for the drink.
- My pleasure.
Have a seat.
Jimmy works at the Sand Dunes.
Oh, yeah. I remember.
What do you do?
I do some consulting over there.
Security on busy nights.
Parking lot?
No, I work inside the casino.
He saw you play in Vegas
a few years back. Tell him.
Yeah, yeah.
See, I used to live there.
I saw you playing craps
over at the original Dunes.
You bet the hard eight for a thousand
and pressed it for two.
- Did I hit it?
- No, you didn't.
But it was a big balls bet,
and I remembered your face.
Stupid bet.
You were with that old dude
with the voice thing.
He talked like that.
What's his name?
Excuse me.
Say, partner, let me get
one of them cigarettes.
You ain't got no menthol?
No, man, I don't do menthol.
Let me get a light too.