In a group again.
Man, that sounds
Like fun.
[guy sighs]
All right,
Here's the deal.
If you want
These magic hands,
You gotta buy two
New record needles.
And this radio.
Are you serious?
It's 1 4.95 on sale.
How 'bout
A washing machine, too?
Y eah, ok.
'Cause it hurts me so
Just to see you go
Around with someone new
And if i know you,
You're doin' that thing
And every day,
Just doin' that thing
I can't take you
Doin' that thing you do
Perfect, man.
Very good.
Took chad a week to learn that.
Chad. Who's ch-chad?
Just one song, right?
Jimmy: that's right.
[drums playing]
Guy: i gotta go.
That's it...
Guy patterson.
That's it--
The one-ders!
And then, you know how,
Like the beatles--the beatles,
They use an e-a
As the beatles?
Well, we can use an o-n-e
Like the one-ders.
You're talkin'
No, look.
The one-ders.
Y eah, it looks like
The o-neders.
No. The--the one-ders.
Got it. Looks like
The o-neders.
Oh, i can hear
The children laughing
I can hear
The children laughing
Y es, i hear
The children laughing