My little wild
Oh, i left
My girl, fine
But then i need you
All the time
Little wild one
I'll come back
Man: i'll take one.
Little wild one,
I'll come back
Sellin' a lot of these?
I'll come back
Thank you.
To you
Thank you, erie, p-a!
Let me see that paper.
Let's see what tele-mart's
Up to here today.
Full page, of course.
Oh, get this.
Barbecue grills.
They got barbecue grills now.
For 7.89.
Good lord.
Oh, here's--
Here's somethin'.
Look here.
Shoe-polisher kit.
People can't even
Get a brush and a rag out
And shine
Their shoes anymore.
They gotta have
A shoe-polisher kit.
Man, oh, man.
'' portable radio, 8.88.
''Open saturday,
1 0:00-1 0:00.
Sunday, 1 2:00-6:00.''
Open on sunday
From 1 2:00-6:00.
You know, i don't believe
I wanna live in a country
Where you have
To stay open on sunday
To do business.
You shouldn't have
To work on sunday
To support a family,
Should you?
No, no. Hmm?
Let's put
That paper away.
Let's just
Take that right now.
Y eah, let's get it
Out of here.
Ok, let's get to work. Guy,
Quit fiddling around with those records
Up there in the window.
We're not selling
Records here, are we? Are we, mama?
This is an appliance store,
I believe.
It's called
Patterson's appliances.
Come on in. We're open.
Can i help you?