This is
A rock 'n' roll tour
That will feature
The one-ders
Provided you quit sitting
On your brain.
We'd be on tour?
Y eah!
A tour?
With other stars
Of the play-tone galaxy.
I have to talk this over
With the rest of the band.
See what i mean?
Very good.
Next...this one-ders
With the o-n-e...
It doesn't work.
It's confusing.
From now on you boys
Will just be simply the wonders.
As in i wonder what happened
To the o-neders?
That's right.
Play-tone will release
The record nationally,
But you'll be doing
An awful lot of promoting as we go,
So be prepared.
All my only dreams
Is on the '' b'' side?
We only got one take of that
When we did that in church.
Could we re-record that?
I don't think so.
I think it's great just the way it is.
We are gonna get you
Some new clothes.
Matching suits,
Nice suits.
Nice, because
You are nice boys.
Except maybe
For you.
So when do we cut
Our next record?
Touring is the priority,
We're gonna meet up with the rest
Of the play-tone gang
In columbus as soon
As possible.
You'll be out on the road with them
Until labor day.
Not me.
Is this a mutiny
No, see, um...
Well, i joined the united states
Marine corps
Back at home.
So, um...
I have to report to south carolina
At the end of august,
Which means i have
To leave the band
At the end of august.
But you will stay with the band
Until the end of august?
Y es, sir.
Ok, next, uh...
Who is faye?
Faye's sort of, uh,
Like my girlfriend.