Tell me something, faye.
How long have you and jimmy
Been you and jimmy?
2 1 /2 years.
Whew. Now, that is
A long time.
He's amazing.
He is.
He's amazing.
Now, what about
Guy there?
Does anybody at home
Think he's amazing?
Well, he had a girlfriend
Back in erie.
Um, tina. I met her
A couple of times.
She fell in love
With her dentist.
Now, that's too bad.
Y eah.
Let's try maybe these.
Thinner frames.
Take those off.
Put these on.
Ok, look at me, guy.
Look at me.
These are hip?
No. Something else.
Try these on.
Hide your cards.
Sit down.
Watch these guys.
They're musicians. They cheat.
So, we're gonna play
The 8,jack...
Your world goes on
But for me,
My world is over
Don't know where
I'm gonna go now
But i got to move on
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa
It hurts me so badly,
Deep down inside
When i think about
All of your lies
Your world goes on
But for me,
My world is over
You fellas look
Great in gold.
Have i told you
You straight on
Those harmonies now?
[song ends]
Now, you boys have fun.
I think this is loose.
What is this?
That was diane dane.
[crowd cheers]
There she is.
Diane dane.
Look at that dress, huh?