- Who told you that?
- Forget it.
You're offering me a bribe.
That's illegal. You could be fined
up to $5,000 or go to jail.
No, l was just making conversation.
Forget it.
l'm just jerking your chain.
You are too easy. Wake up.
Smell the smelling salt.
l'll juice you up.
- One guy doing another guy a solid.
- That is so nice.
Well, you're a nice guy.
Many customers treat me like snot.
Here's my personal pager number.
- The company puts you on hold.
- Thanks. You'll get good marks.
Maybe l'll show you the satellite,
how this whole thing works.
- Sure, we should do that one day.
- How about tomorrow?
- Tomorrow's no good.
- You'll be stewing about your ex?
- l crossed the line. Sorry.
- You didn't cross the line.
Cool! Pick you up at six-thirty.
There are 24 classrooms.
Each can be converted into a home.
There's a swimming pool,
tennis courts, a gym and a stage, -
- if the residents decide
they want to perform "Oklahoma".
- Oklahoma!
- lt's available in foreclosure.
With a cash bid,
we can steal this thing.