Wait. l need to use the head.
l want to find out about your job.
What's with the chicken?
- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.
- Good evening, sir.
- Hey, stretch.
- Pleasant night, isn't it?
- Yeah, not too bad.
The weather is always nice in here.
The winters are remarkably mild!
- lf you need anything, let me know!
- l got it under control!
- Unbelievable.
- lt's no trouble.
What is your ..?
People rarely take advantage of
my services. l'll help you wash up.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
You're on a big date.
You'll need to look your best.
That'll take care of the shine.
Now, let's pluck those eyebrows!
She loves me, she loves me not.
She loves me ...
... she loves me not.
A little Jose Eber ...
A touch of Alfalfa ...
We're ready to dry you off!
Right into the buckle.
That's got to hurt!
Suck the air.
You look just like Dizzy Gillespie.