Did he say that?
Only every five minutes.
Frankly l'm sick of hearing it.
He's a good man.
He mentioned
that you've had some problems.
- lt's a little complicated.
- lt always is.
l asked a woman to marry me once.
She wanted to think about it.
We agreed to take some time apart.
You know ...
give each other space.
She's no longer with us.
l'm sorry.
Sometimes you don't know
what you've got till it's gone.
Promise me you'll never
go bungee jumping in Mexico.
- l promise.
- Anyway ...
l've said too much.
Thank you.
Cherish him, Robin.
Every hair on his head.
Excuse me.
- Hello.
- I love you.
l love you, too.
That was so sweet of you.
- You didn't have to do that.
- l ... l wanted to.
Giving me free cable. Only you
would do something like that.
l wanted to do something for you,
but you needed space, so ...
Let's not make any more rules.