The Empty Mirror

ln the First World War,
the Jews and the Bolsheviks
stabbed Germany
in the back.

Even as German blood spilled
in our just and noble cause,

the enemy within sought
to destroy us by treachery!

The bad within
must be extracted.

We must protect Germany!
l must save the motherland
from this defilement!
( coughing )
You could never understand
a man of will.

The problem with you Jews
is you think
you know so much--

the inside of a man,
this nonsense about
the ''id'' and ''superego.''
A man is the sum total
of his acts.

Success justifies all.
So, what can we learn
from your actions?

That a man is his own creation,
his own artwork.

To use only reason
is to close the door

to the power of an idea
like blood and soil.
What of your inner world?

l know myself completely,
l know my personal myths.

That is enough.
With the answers
to 1,000 questions,

you and your kind
could not begin

to understand me.
Only a poet
