The Empty Mirror

Hitler: Read the last sentence
back to me.

Typist: ''We made the sound
so overwhelming,

the attitude so certain,
the level of force so high,
the spectacle so grand,
that no one could see
anything at the center

but the symbolism.''
Yes. Good.
The symbolism
at the center.

Like the sun,
nobody could look at me
without the pain

and punishment of blindness.
Number two!
The receptivity of the masses

is unlimited,
yet their understanding

is feeble.
They quickly forget.

The masses tell each other
small lies.

lt could never come
into their heads

to create colossal tales.
Thus, bold myths work best.
Effective propaganda must be
confined to stereotypes.

Always focus people's
attention on a single foe.

To have multiple enemies
confuses people.

My genius was the combining
of two enemies--
Jews and Marxism--
into one.
Jewish Marxism...
the synthesis
that was the key
to my success.

Weave this in:
Crude simplifications
endlessly repeated

will influence the supple.
Goebbel's realm.
