You can turn
a runny-nosed, bedwetter...
into a ruthless warrior.
lf l'd stopped with
the conquest of France,
l would have gone
down in history
as the greatest conqueror
since Alexander The Great.
No! No, no.
''Greatest military
genius in history.''
what do you think?
Well, no...
Ah... here it is.
''Greatest empire
since Caesar.''
That-- that's it.
Let's make it...
lf l had stopped
with the conquest of France,
l would have built
the greatest sustained empire
since Caesar Augustus.
What l hated most
about the war
was fighting the English.
The fair Brits...
our racial brothers,
our natural allies--
The very word means angels,
doesn't it?
Eva: Mmm...
lt's a tranquil image.
All the Germanic peoples
coming together.
The traitor Churchill...
never told his countrymen
that l offered an alliance,
a union of racial brothers...
and protection
of the British Empire.