Me, least of all.
lf you told the truth,
both the teller
and the listener
would go insane.
Tell me.
For you, what redeems life?
The purely artistic.
Read Nietzsche.
But what of the spiritual
To be a creative artist,
one inevitably
walks the spiritual path.
ln fact,
they are the same path.
Good. Good.
But, there is so much more
to understand, Adolf.
- So many died--
- Stop!
Conscience is
the Jewish invention.
For us National Socialists,
action follows thought
as quickly as...
thunder follows lightning.
Hitler: Let's finish
this section.
Typist: ''Enigma,
carefully manipulated
enhances one's power
and fame.''
Hitler: Make that,
''Fame, power and immortality.''
Obfuscation keeps
people guessing--
the little feints,
the ambiguities,
ln my first four years,
as head of the Nazi party,