Historians will study
your childhood,
examine your relationships,
the dark secrets.
lt warped my judgment.
They will exaggerate
your slightest scribbles
into important,
irrefutable clues.
You will be the source
of endless fascination.
l am seeing universities
all over the world
with their courses--
''Hitler, Architecture,
and Politics.''
Salvation and Human Evolution.''
What about
''Hitler, Wagner and Voyeurism''?
And then there will be
artists, too,
all striving
for comprehension.
Careers devoured,
trying to bridge
the distance.
There's my 1,000-year Reich.
We gave them all
much to brood over,
didn't we, Joseph?
Hitler: We were each islands
of strength and will
by great muttonherds
of sheep-like followers.
you little babushka,
you were going to invade me,
but l invaded you first.
We knew that liberty,
equality, and democracy
are the grandest nonsense.
But war is the most simple
affirmation of life.
But l do not admire him.
Envy? Stalin?
A footnote.
A footnote
if he's fortunate.