Because it doesn't matter
if an idea is true or false,
as long as it serves
my purposes.
But members of your family
suffered from mental illness.
Didn't you fear insanity?
l wasn't put
in a lunatic asylum.
l created a lunatic asylum.
The war would never
have started
if it wasn't for the Jews...
and their puppet
( mimics Churchill )
We will fight them
on the landing strips.
We will fight them
on the beaches.
We will fight them
wherever the enemy
invaded us.
l dealt with pain
by causing pain.
No! Cross that out!
lt's a ridiculous notion,
that personal pain causes
one man to injure another.
To protect Germany,
an act of self-defense.
To guarantee my singular place
in history.
To punish the German nation
for undermining my charisma.
To take their breath away.
The broad, sweeping
historical gesture.
As the gleam
of conquest faded,
the SS needed
a new mission
to sustain vitality.
To brand the German people
with this crime
for all time.
My final enigmatic act,
my postwar surprise
to the world.
Freud's voice: What about your fear
of being one quarter Jewish?
Where does that fit in?